THIS WEEK: The END of the Mirror!
PLUS: Introducing RL™ TWEET OF THE WEEK, a new regular or irregular feature in which prizes may or may not be awarded!!
“edited” by AL SOUTH
F Say it ain’t so! Are you telling me the Mirror is no more? What are we going to do? The Mirror is the best magazine—free stuff, SEXY stuff, all kinds of stuff. I’m going to be broken up. [BLEEP!]
M Hey, I am just happy you ANTI-SEMITES have been shut down. Peace. [BLEEP!]
M I had to hear it on the news first?! Mirror is gone? You gotta be kidding??[BLEEP!]
F Hello, this is not acceptable. No more Mirror? No, not acceptable. Find a SOLUTION. No more Mirror? I will not tolerate that. Find a solution immediately. [BLEEP!]
M A very sad day indeed. This was a great newspaper, a great part of Montreal. I hope you rise from the ASHES in some form and we see the Mirror back one day somehow. Rant Line™, Mirror, you were A-1: all that you did for advertising the bands. It was just a great newspaper. Very sad to hear the news. [BLEEP!]
F I am so sorry to hear about the Mirror closing. I called the Rant Line™ so much, I loved it, it was my favourite thing about the newspaper. I’m gonna miss the Rant Line™ a whole fucking lot. Bye. Thank you so much for so much funny shit over the years. [BLEEP!]
M So I just found out the Quebecor media has shut down the Montreal Mirror. This is one of the worst things I have ever heard happen to Montreal’s CULTURAL landscape. JESUS FUCK. What are we going to do now? [BLEEP!]
M I’m sure I am one of the thousands of voices who is so pissed off that the Mirror is going down. I didn’t always agree with you guys, but I am really going to miss reading you. It is just part of this CORPORATE AGENDA to keep us all ignorant. Let’s just hope it doesn’t work and good luck to everybody. Bye bye. [BLEEP!]
M The Mirror means a lot to me, man. When I moved to Montreal in the spring of 1999, it was the first HABIT I picked up. I’ve read every single issue since, going to far to ask a friend to keep a copy when I was out of town. And I always said that I would never consider myself a true Montrealer until the Rear-View Mirror segment referred to an issue that I had read since I moved here, which happened last year when Rear-View Mirror featured an issue from June,1999. This saddens me deeply. This is my rant. [BLEEP!]
M This is a message for the Rant Line™ and Al South. This is ERIC POPPER calling. I just wanted to say how sad I was to hear about the Montreal Mirror closing and how shortsighted Quebecor is being. I guess you guys are all feeling like SHIT. I would just like to thank you for so many years of support and so many years of good reading. That’s all. Guess these things happen. It’s very sad. I don’t even know if you’ll get this. I’m going to miss the Rant Line™, that’s for sure. I really am. So see you later and thanks for all the good reading. Ok, bye. [BLEEP!]
M Hi, NVP here. I heard that Rant Line™/Mirror is closing down. Hope it’s not true, hope it is only a rumour! Because I’ve grown to live—LOVE—the Mirror, and the Rant Line™ especially, for the service you provide, for me, for everybody, to rant. To let loose and express ourselves. It’s very THERAPEUTIC. If it is true that the Mirror is closing, I hope it will continue to survive in some form, assume some other avenue. It is one of a kind, an institution here. I for one want to say thanks for all the years of really great stuff, where everybody could just be who they are on the Rant Line™. Where everyone could just be a STAR. People need that validation. So I want to give you my best wishes in whatever direction you guys are going. [BLEEP!]
F Well at least the Rant Line™ still works. [BLEEP!]
M Hey Rant Line™, I definitely didn’t think this number would still be working. Just wanted to say it’s Thursday and I really miss the Montreal Mirror. To whoever is listening to this, it sucks deeply, sorry about your JOBS. It just sucks for Montreal. [BLEEP]
M Just wondering if this phone line is up for sale? I would love to CAPITALIZE on any callers still calling in. Get back to me, my name is Gabriel. [leaves number] [BLEEP!]
M Hello Rant Line™. I don’t know if this is still working, but we’ll give it a go. June 22, 2012,10 pm Eastern Standard Time. Montreal Mirror is now closed. That is a horrible thing. From 10 pm till midnight tonight I will tweet a new temporary number for the Rant Line™ and I will publish the rants [leaves number]. This phone number will only be active for two hours. I wish you the best. And now I am going to publicize this. Have a good night. [Ed’s note: Results of tribute Rant Line™ unknown] [BLEEP!]
M So this is almost fucking unreal. I was on the SHITTER, I looked at my phone, and I heard a VOICE. Let’s just go ahead and say it was the voice of GOD. It spoke to me clear as a bell. It said: Call the phone company, open up a new account, register a phone number, put it out there, and people will call and air their gripes, speak their peace. Rant, if you will. So I wiped my ass, called up Bell, got it all together… and then I heard that the fucking Rant LIne™ is back. Fucking God hates me. [BLEEP!]
Totally using “vacationing in Montserrat” as my new code for “cracked out in Bar Fuzzy,” thanks! @jeanlapilote
[Ed’s note: Prizes may or may not include your choice from an impressive collection of cassettes from forgotten local bands!]